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segunda-feira, 17 de agosto de 2009

The Printed Book Harry G. Aldis, M.A. Bibliofilia. Livros Raros. etc

The Printed Book

by Harry G. Aldis, M.A.

Cambridge: at the University Press 1941

livro em bom estado, capa dura, com sobrecapa original.

The Second Edition Revised & Brought up to Date by John Carter & Brooke Crutchley

'Printing has seen great developments in the last thirty years, both in the practice of typography itself and in the study and appraisement of the past. Hence the need for a new edition of this well-known and comprehensive manual, the only one on its subject and a steady seller since its first appearance. It is written for all who are interested in books and printing, amateurs or professionals. Its chapters deal with the history of printed books from the beginning, with production methods and processes, illustration, binding, and the care of books. There are many illustrations, an original appendix describing the development of type design, and a list of books for further reading on every aspect of the subject.'.

Chapter Index

- Introduction -

- The Advent of Printing -

- The Spread of the Art -

- Fifteenth Century Book -

- The Scholar Printers of the
Sixteenth Century -

- English Books 1500-1800 -

- The Modern Book -

- The Construction of a Book -

- Illustrations -

- Bookbinding and Bookbindings -

- The Handling and
Mishandling of Books -

The development of types faces.

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