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quinta-feira, 16 de fevereiro de 2012

Dialectical Materialism: the Theoretical Foundation of Marxism-Leninism V. Adoratsky 1934 Marxism - Leninism; Philosophy filosofia marximo dialetica materialismo dialetico leninismo

Dialectical Materialism: the Theoretical Foundation of Marxism-Leninism

V. Adoratsky

ano: 1934

Um clássico incontestavel e referencial nos estudos sobre o assunto.

Capa dura original em tela editorial verde,coda13-x3, sociologia, bom estado, escasso, não perca, saiba mais...

A comprehensive study of the fundamental philosophy of Marxism and the author draws heavily on the writings of Marx and Lenin and shows how they applied their theories to the political and social problems of their time.

Dialecical materialism is traced in its development from the Hegelian dialectics into the 'philosophy and method of revolutionary Marxism-Leninism, as instrument for the study and transformation of everything that exists.  The author was the director of the Marx-Engels-Lenin Institute of Moscow.

With material on Materialist Dialectics as the theoretical foundation of Marxism-Leninism, the Dialectics of Nature and Human Knowledge, and how to study Lenin.

“Our knowledge contains an absolute (unconditional and unquestionable) truth, viz. that it reflects the external world. The truth of our knowledge is tested and confirmed by practice.”

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