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quarta-feira, 5 de janeiro de 2011

The Sexual Criminal: A Psychoanalytical Study J Paul De River 1956 sadismo masoquismo voyeur dominatrix etc

The Sexual Criminal a Psychoanalytical Study

J. Paul de River

editora: Charles C. Thomas


Livro de Medicina Legal, ilustrações em p/b, 306 pág.

descrição: Livro em bom estado de conservação, capa dura original, escasso, não perca, saiba mais ...., , 12-x, ed.a1

A criminology/sexology textbook for law enforcement personnel, "The Sexual Criminal" methodically and clinically examines the bizarre and illicit sexual behavior of Los Angeles in the 1930s and '40s --

a fascinating glimpse at the seedy underbelly of a city littered with innumerable true-life noir characters.

Written in a terse, Dragnet-like style by the controversial director of the Los Angeles Police Department's Sex Offense Bureau, and graphically illustrated with mugshots of criminals and crime scene photographs of their victims,

"The Sexual Criminal" is both a compelling sociological time capsule of a not-so-distant era in the history of Los Angeles and a voyeuristic examination of the explosive sex lives of its inhabitants.

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